That Girl Crochet

Ramblings from an avid crocheter, knitter, spinner, and major fiber junkie.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

out of the race

well the Olympic shawl that I spoke of never came to be. The seizures are back and I have been taking care of my hubby. Just as soon as we think things are better we get the reality check of life. Epilepsy has been confirmed. Now we deal with it.

I am still working on the fish afghan and have started a clapotis and a new felted bag. I have a chance to sell my bags to a oh so cool company and hope to have the deal finalized soon.

until next time.......

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

has it really been two years....

The Olympics......

Oh how I hate them.

I know, most of you are thinking that I must not be human but I hate the Olympics. They cut into my soap opera's and favorite TV shows. All the other TV stations have Olympics envy and play the worst shows and TV movies. How many times can they show Big Momma's house?? Then they show reruns for every other show. Everyone wears those goofy berets. I have to listen to how Michelle Kwan is trying for the gold just one more time. I just don’t care. The Olympics invades everything on TV. The Today show is all about Olympics and so is the local news. David Letterman is even delayed sometimes because of the dreaded Olympics. Not only are the Olympics on NBC there are oodles of other stations who think they need to show us the same stupid ice skating and curling events. Yea skating is an art. Bruce Jenner has made me realize that not all men should skate. He looks like Frankenstein skating on that horrible Skating with the Stars/Has Beens show on Fox. But curling just isn't all that interesting. A block of cement and a broom. Wow now that is the sport of a drunken man. My neighbor used to play this stupid game with large washers and a wooden box with holes. It was a drunk mans sport. The drunker you got the better you got at the game. This is what curling is like, drink a lot and you will be able to get that blob of cement where you want it to be. I thought the washer game was bad but then I saw curling.

So needless to say that when all the talk of knitting/crochet Olympics popped up on everyone’s blog I cried a little inside. WHY WHY WHY!!!! I am all for getting a project done in a timely manner, setting high goals and achieving them but WHY with the Olympics?? So in honor of hating the Olympics and all that they entail, I plan on making a freeform shawl in blues during this event. Yes, I know I am joining with the masses but I am also making something BLUE. Blue with sadness for all the great TV that I could be watching but can't.

So are there any others out there like me??? Am I the only one who won’t be watching?? If so leave me a comment. I will draw a name from the Olympic Despiser list and will send you a prize. Picture of the prize tomorrow.

until next time.....

p.s. any of you fabulous readers want to make a button for my "Don't watch the Olympics -a- long" ???? Please.....