That Girl Crochet

Ramblings from an avid crocheter, knitter, spinner, and major fiber junkie.

Friday, September 09, 2005


How do people who have a chronic illness deal with it every day? It has to be so depressing. I know that it is depressing. I was ill last year and have since found out what was wrong with me and feel 100 times better. My hubby on the other hand has been ill for a while now and the general answer after every test is "no problem found". Oh how I hate that answer. The number of tests that he has had is astounding. The last test he did was the Camera Pill . The pill is amazing. If only it can find the problems. If not it sure was an expensive test to have the doctor tell us the ususal "no problem found".

Unfortunately the illness is keeping me from teaching my class tomorrow at the Knit out and Crochet too event. What a bummer.

I think that this illness has a lot to do with my lack of sharing my craft adventures. I have so many to share but just dont feel like it. Hopefully soon.

A little tid bit of what I am working on is my new Ashford Traditional Spinning wheel. Yep I did it. I bought a wheel. I love it. I have spun for a week straight.

until next time........


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