That Girl Crochet

Ramblings from an avid crocheter, knitter, spinner, and major fiber junkie.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

defend crochet

Defending Crochet

I have struggled with this subject for as long as I have crocheted. While I completely understand the cause behind the discussion, I often think to myself "WHO CARES!!" There have been many discussion on websites, online magazines, groups, etc. etc. I just dont seem to feel the same as others do. I love crochet and will continue to crochet whether it is viewed as low class trash, doily makin, front porch sittin, toilet set cozy makin, granny square lovin, or beautiful, innovative, one hook lovin, simple, unique and so on.

If you like crochet, great if you dont, great. I dont give a rip if it is accepted or not. I crochet because I want to. Not because it is cool, hip, or the latest fad. I love TP cozies, I think they are cute and silly. I love granny squares and have made many blankets and other items using this motif. I love lacy gorgeous scarves and shawls. I could go on and on about doilies, they are part of my heritage. Why should I run from it? Cant all forms of crochet be beautiful in there own unique way?

I posted the below comment on the discussion that is going on in the Crochet Me Blog

I dont have to take back crochet. It has always been mine and always will be. I make the choice to do what I want. I am not driven by others to make my decisions for me. If the yarn stores dont understand me then so what, if they snub me then I move on and find a store that understands me. Or I will suck it up and deal with it. I dont have to accepted by everyone. That is what makes me who I am.

Why must crochet be accepted by everyone? Not all of us knit but there is no knit revolution that is trying to convert the world.

Love your crochet share it with others and you will find that it will grow all on its own.

So what do you think? Am I just a throw back to the 60's with all the love, peace, and happiness? Maybe. But with all the crap that is going on in our universe, do we really need to fight about something else????

until next time......


Blogger none said...

I agree with you. In addition, I think that there doesn't even need to be a boundry. Recently I realized many who crochet also knit and so while there is some type of attitude that knitters aren't crocheters or wouldn't "stoop to that level" reality there are tons of crocheters who knit and knitters who crochet. There doesn't need to be a boundry. I like knitting AND crochet. My bulletin board Fiber Freaks is a great example about how many do both.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Brenda said...

You go girl, I agree with you completely! Never understood the big chasm between knit and crochet, never will. I'll continue to do both proudly, probably long after it's thought to be cool. And who cares!?!

7:45 PM  
Blogger Mimi said...

Yes my dear preach on as we say :)

10:20 PM  
Blogger celder99 said...

I like crochet. I am not ashamed. I understand that some artisans feel crochet is beneath them. What about the use of real or synthetic wool. Imagine the snub if you crocheted with synthetic wool - oh mercy me.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Ladeewolf said...

I agree, and if you want to know the truth, I will be sort of glad when the fad part is over. It comes and goes, like yoga. And when the fad is gone the real crocheters and knitters are left. I tend to bounce back and forth with stores to get what I need, If they don't have it.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Hear, hear. For myself, I knit and crochet different things. I like knit clothes better, but crocheted afghans, for example. (Who wants to carry hundreds and hundreds of worsted weight afghan stitches on a knitting needle all at once, when you can stick to one stitch at a time in crochet?)

11:30 AM  
Blogger doubleknot said...

Glad I read your post - the who cares is what I needed to hear not just for the crochet or knitting but for things going on. I crochet thought I haven't for a while as things have been hectic but see my projects and hope to get back to them - for my our satisfaction.

4:47 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

I agree completely. I'm a knitter and wish I could crochet. I know how, but it just kills my wrist.

If it makes you happy, that's all that matters!

1:32 PM  
Blogger bevq said...

I crochet (and knit too actually) almost exclusively for charity and I love it!

I have never cared what people think... they just will never know the peace I feel making things for others who are in need right now.

I leaned to crochet in college and it is so easy to just carry a project along in my purse to work on rather than wasting time riding in the car or at drs appointments or wherever.

I am currently into mittens as I know LDS humanitarian is in need of those. And I am positive the reservations and shelters can use as many as we can crochet up for them!

Here's the pattern I am using:

Bev Q

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If folks think crochet is just about afghans and tp covers, they're not seeing what I'm seeing. There are some wonderfully creative crocheters out there, doing awesome work. I'm amazed and inspired by what I see. Crochet is definitely cool and I'm keeping my hooks :D

5:29 PM  
Blogger Mimi said...

Marlo I know you don't post here anymore, but I thought by chance you might stop by. I checked your LJ blog. Are you alright? I kept praying for your husband.

I know you have had some just unbearable times. I pray this New Year will bring you and yours some joy. Happy New Year

10:48 PM  
Blogger LuĂ­sa Silva said...

Crochet is not fashion at the moment. The prejudice about this craft is very common in many countries. I had done crochet in my youth and I abandoned it for some years. Now I am rediscovering it and trying to show how beautiful crochet can be. All is needed is creativity.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Hi Wendy! I love to crochet and I also love to knit. I first learned to crochet many years ago by a neighbor who took the time to teach me. I learned to knit using some knitting dvd's. I get a lot of pleasure from both. I have seen beautiful items made from both methods. Just do what you love to do. It's no one's business but yours!

6:11 PM  
Blogger RecycleCindy said...

I completely agree and crochet because I love to. While some say my trashy "recycled bags" are tacky, I say who cares. I like them and there are plenty of other people out there who love them so I just continue on. So hold you head high and crochet on!

9:16 AM  
Blogger butterflycrochet said...

Marlo if you see this please contact me. I have a question about one of your patterns, tried emailing you at the addy with the pattern. But it came back as undeliverable.
Email is

11:37 AM  

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